The US Embassy 1975

The United States Embassy (1975) / Fihseries Administration of Ministry of Agriculture

The location of the US embassy has changed to four different locations throughout the diplomatic relations with Cambodia. During the US-backed Khmer Republic regime, the US Embassy located on the corner of Norodom Boulevard and Sothearos Boulevard. Currently, this site belongs to Fisheries Administration. In the morning of April 12, 1975, five days before the fall of Phnom Penh, the US government evacuated their diplomats, American citizens, and some Cambodians out of Cambodia through the Operation Eagle Pull. Twelves helicopters picked up the people from two fields located nearby the embassy, with the protection from the U.S. Marines. The United States reestablished the diplomatic relations with Cambodia in 1992. However, the embassy location changed once, and currently, is now on Street 96 near the historic site Wat Phnom.

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