Southern Boeung Trabek

Southern Boeung Trabek / Munthi K-17

By MMC Editorial

During the Khmer Rouge regime, the actual size of the Boeung Trabek area was more extensive than just Boeung Trabek High School. It was called “Munti K-17”. (MMC/OUNG Dane)

During the Khmer Rouge regime, the actual size of the Boeung Trabek area was more extensive than just Boeung Trabek High School. It was called “Munti K-17”, stretching from the far right side of the Phsar Doeum Tkov roundabout. Many intellectuals were sent from K-15 to stay in the houses and schools within the compound.

There were three smaller Muntis under K-17 and separated by barbed wire fence height of more than 2 meters. Those staying there were sent to plant vegetables to feed people living in the premises of K-17 or sent away to do heavy labor for a while.

The internal control structure implemented by the Khmer Rouge was that they chose a leader among those intellectuals to rule the others. The Documentation Center of Cambodia found that there were 232 people returned to Cambodia in between 1975 and1976.

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