A Forgotten Singer

TVK Station

By Try Sunghy

When the Khmer Rouge came into power, singers were a target for eradication. A Researcher claims that the Khmer Rouge accused singers of using their voices to serve the feudal regime, the imperialists and capitalists. As a result, Golden Voice Emperor Sin Sisamuuth, Ros Serey Sothea and many other famous singers were killed. Against all odds, Keo Setha, one of the top singers of the time, survived the regime. 5 of her 10 children, her husband, and her fame, however, did not. At the ages of 81, Setha speaks of her memories of the time.
When the Khmer Rouge came into power, singers were a target for eradication. A Researcher claims that the Khmer Rouge accused singers of using their voices to serve the feudal regime, the imperialists and capitalists. As a result, Golden Voice Emperor Sin Sisamuuth, Ros Serey Sothea and many other famous singers were killed. Against all odds, Keo Setha, one of the top singers of the time, survived the regime. 5 of her 10 children, her husband, and her fame, however, did not. At the ages of 81, Setha speaks of her memories of the time.

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